Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Writing habits

Writing has always been a little harder for me; therefore I start immediately on an essay. Sometimes I will sit there just staring at a blank piece of paper debating on which angle I should come from. For the weirdest reason when I write it is hard to get anything longer than two pages. I feel like I address all of my questions, ideas, and other things, but I'm not good at the "fluff".  I start my process by just jotting down a few broad ideas and maybe some more detailed ones, so I don't forget them. Then I start just writing or typing. I have always done my best work in front of the television; the background noise helps me and can even spark other ideas or questions on occasions. I do my worst work when there are other people around talking. I think this happens because I get more involved in other peoples conversations then the ones on TV, especially when it is my friends. When it comes to making sure my rough draft sounds right and makes since, I have always relied on my dad and others peers. When I write something I look at it differently then everyone else, because it is a personal thing I have created, so I think its always good to get an outside view on things. After tweaking things around to make it flow, I do one last edit and have someone read it threw one last time. And finally I turn it in and hope for a good grade.

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