Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Google making us stupid?

The article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" if about how the ability for people has changed since the internet. The author talks about how he used to spend hours reading long books and passages, but now his concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. The article also talks about how the internet is changing how we think. Since the internet is a big part of the world now a days, and many people use it everyday, it shapes how we read and think. Literacy in this article is defined as the ability to read and comprehend what your reading, instead of taking it at face value. This definition is very similar to the definition of "Socrate's nightmare". This article says that the internet is causing people to read less and lose focus when reading. The author uses a few people, their blogs, and research to back his claims including Scott Karp's and Bruce Friedman's blogs and a study of online habits, conducted by scholars from University College London. Some of this evidence is effective but some are not since they could be considered opinions and not facts.

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